What is Magick?

For me my magical journey began a long time ago before I ever took a deep breath and began this quest called life. It was an incredulous journey mystified by the fact that a spiritual veil would forever keep a portion of these previous escapades hidden. What I speak of has been called a past life, an old soul, or for some cultures your karmic destiny. Whatever one decides to call it is your prerogative, however, for me it has and will always be the past life of a version of my spirit that came before I could ever describe these feelings in words.


Magick will forever be a version of myself forever being decoded by the experiences, wisdom gained, and life lessons that have taught me no matter how much knowledge attained there will always be more to learn. Which is why it is in this page of description that I communicate a piece of myself that has repeatedly changed every fiber of my life. My magical journey called life has been a keynote expression of understanding my own magick and what all of this insightful nonsense has meant to me.


There is an infinite amount of ways for me to describe magick but in the end it is my way of life and only one piece of an infinite puzzle. In this new world we all exist in—this new reality of discord and revelation—there seems to be no reason for me to hide myself. I have hidden this part of me for so long even though it was never a secret. I am stepping out of the prison of my mind to accept this part of me because I can no longer allow the fear to cause me pain. However like I did as a child understanding what it meant to be human by taking my first step. Or as I got older and began to grow from boyhood to manhood, getting over hating myself for being gay, or not worrying if people would accept me as an artist, I persevered and kept walking. It wouldn’t be until I became a leader as a film director and carried a heavy responsibility to support the collective dreams of others, in order to manifest cinematic arts into reality that I began to truly transform myself through magick.


This life I’ve lived has been riddled with fear and yet out of respect to myself speaking about magick has been the hardest truth for me to hold. Because whatever anyone thinks does not matter but at my core if I cannot speak these truths openly how could I ever truly believe in this thing that has brought me so much joy and purpose. Magick exists and it is in every fiber of this planet, in every piece of matter, in every form of breath, and yet it is nothing more than the reflection in our mind’s eye.


What is magick? Well it is the indescribable, it is the core of belief, and it is nothing at all. It can be god and it can be no one because, in the end, it is something we as a species crafted into existence like we have done countless times before. For me magick is the final frontier that keeps supplying my life and livelihood with inspiration and meaning to keep breathing and taking the next step along the crooked path called existence.


We are all people of spirit, whether you believe it or not it is for you to discover, which is why I express to you why I believe so candidly in the concept of magick. You are just another reflection in the sea of conceptual dimensions interacting in “real” time with other people who represent the ideology of the multiverse. Everything in life is a piece in the puzzle that is the multiverse connecting and disrupting tiny or major influences upon one another. We are the chaos but yet we also are the structure and concept of society that desperately seeks equality and order.


As the eastern philosophies have taught me you cannot exist without both the yin and the yang. Together they are the tension and release that keeps the breath of life forever moving along the ocean of time and space. There is no one way for me to describe magick to you. So instead I will share my journey along this path and the relationship I have built with magick, the force if you will, or at the end of the day the meaning of inspiration that makes even the smallest dreams feel real. Because they are real, you are real, and your magick is real. For me magick is a relationship, a road that never ends, and it is your opportunity to define your experience with magick through your ability to express it into reality.


Why am I sharing all of this? Because the world is fragile and does not need me to deny the person it built because I am afraid to say what I believe in. People need magick because it makes us believe in hope, peace, love, and the light of the world can truly heal through miracles. When the world loses magick it becomes a scary and hateful place. So I wage war on hate by pushing my love for magick and the infinite nature of the universe through every word, breath, and message I can convey in these times of change. I am but another light and reflection for the world to look upon. However this time I want you to see the magick I’ve created and not the fear I have allowed to hold me back for so long.


You are all special beings of light and shadow and together we can make this world truly marvelous. We have done it before and we will do it again. You are magick and it is these pages I hope to communicate to you that will help you discover and express your infinite magical nature. I have called this method of perspective the Way of the Infinite, and though it has taken me time to understand what it means to me, I discovered this path was always my magick waiting for me to simply just accept myself so we could move forward once again.


Blessed be Mother Earth.


Blessed be Father Time.


Blessed be the Universe.


Welcome to your infinite path now lets discover it through expression.


I’m Tired…


Welcome to BtheWizard